7 Funky Rock Licks in A
Chromatic Ascending Lick in B Minor
Rock Licks Over Chord Changes – G C Bb Eb (Full Solo)
Descending UP the Neck
This is a really simple lick that descends diagonally UP the neck. This is a unique approach to a descending lick that opens up a lot of great possibilities. I’ve been experimenting a lot with this lately, and I’m getting some really nice licks out of it.
This lick is meant to be really basic, and give you are starting point for licks like this. Take it slow, and just get used to moving through a scale in this way. It takes a bit of getting used to, as most people don’t connect the scale patterns in this way. This means that there will be some uncomfortable fingering.
Aside from the lick, this will help you visualize the patterns in the scale in different ways.