Funky Rock Licks in A - Full Solo
Ripping Upbeat Blues in E!
Shred-tastic Blues Licks in E
8 Gary Moore Licks - Guitar Lesson with Tabs
16 Eric Clapton Licks You Must Know
Jeff Beck Inspired Whammy Licks!!! (Intermediate)
8 Rock Ballad Licks in E Minor
This lesson shows 8 rock licks in the key of E Minor.
The backing track is a simple progression:
Em – Am – D – Em
In the licks, pay attention to the chord tones that I am playing. I am focusing on playing the key notes over each of the chords. This means I am trying to land on notes that are contained in the underlying chord. For example, the A minor chord is made up of A, C, and E. When the A minor chord is played, I am generally trying to play one of those notes. This method of targeting notes will make your playing sound MUCH better. If you don’t know the notes of the chords well, then it is time to start practicing those arpeggios!!
There is a wide variety of licks here – some very simple, and some very complicated. Hopefully there is something for everyone. If you want lessons before they are released for FREE, get the WHITE BELT membership at guitarlickdojo.com. Thanks for watching!