7 Funky Rock Licks in A
Jamming Back in Black Style!
Jamming Back in Black Style - Full Solo
Licks and Scales for Sweet Home Alabama
8 Gary Moore Licks - Guitar Lesson with Tabs
5 Licks to Play with Voodoo Child - Jimi Hendrix / Stevie Ray Vaughan
5 Slash Licks for the November Rain Solo
In this lesson, I cover 5 licks to play over the ending solo to Guns n Roses’ November Rain.
November Rain’s ending solo has a lot of great ideas in it. Throughout the solo, Slash plays this very cool harmonic minor lick with a strong melody, and then follows it up with a very fast c minor lick. I follow the same idea in this lesson. I first show a version of that very melodic harmonic minor lick, and then I show 5 c minor licks that can be played with it.
The 5 licks vary in difficulty and technique. Some are for more intermediate players, some advanced, and some are relatively easy. For each lick, I talk about the concepts that went into designing it. Some of these ideas are very valuable and will help you construct your own awesome guitar licks.
Thanks for watching!