Funky Rock Licks in A - Full Solo
A Gary Moore Inspired Descending Lick in A Minor
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Ripping Upbeat Blues in E!
Joe Bonamassa / Eric Johnson Descending Lick in E Minor
This is a descending lick very much inspired by Joe Bonamassa and Eric Johnson.
This is in E minor pentatonic, and descends diagonally down the neck. It covers three positions, starting at the 12th fret, and ending at the 7th fret. Because this covers a few positions, this is a good lick for being able to visualize the scale across the neck. A lot of possibilities open up when you are able to play across the neck, and aren’t locked to a single location.
To get this lick to sound good, focus on smoothness in transition between the positions. You want to make all the notes flow together, and have consistent timing all the way through.