20 Rhythm Licks in the Style of Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and John Mayer

20 Rhythm Licks in the Style of Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and John Mayer

In this lesson, I show how to play classic, rhythm licks in the style of Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and John Mayer.

Jimi Hendrix really popularized this style of playing – where you mix lead and rhythm playing seamlessly together. The style has been modified and emulated by countless guitarists, including SRV and John Mayer.

A lot of these lick ideas use double-stops, which just means that you are playing two notes at the same time. If you’ve heard songs like Little Wing, Angel, Castles Made of Sand, and Axis Bold as Love, then you know the style that I’m talking about here.

I structured this lesson over a chord progression, over the main four chords in the Hendrix classic, Axis Bold as Love. The four chords are A, E, F# Minor, and D. I show rhythm licks that are specially meant to be played over these chords. Here are how the licks are organized:

Licks 1-5: A Major
Licks 6-10: E Major
Licks 11-15: F# Minor
Licks 16-20: D Major

The idea with this lesson is that you learn the licks and also their relation to their underlying chords. You should then be able to take these licks, and apply them to your own chord progressions!

Thanks for watching!


ZIP file includes licks in 4 formats:

PDF, PNG, Music XML, Guitar Pro 7



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