Shred-tastic Blues Licks in E
20 Joe Bonamassa Licks in the Key of E
Rock Licks Over Chord Changes – G C Bb Eb (Full Solo)
Funky Rock Licks in A - Full Solo
5 Eric Johnson Style Descending Pentatonic Licks
16 Blues Licks – Improve Your Guitar Playing by CUTTING YOUR FINGER OFF
This is a video I put together after an unfortunate accident I had a couple weeks back. I cut my ring finger pretty bad. I didn’t want to stop playing, so I decided to practice with just my first two fingers. My second finger could always be stronger and more flexible I followed a routine for a few days, and had some really good results. After a couple days, I was playing pretty complex things with just the first two fingers.
This video shows an example solo, which I break down into 16 licks, all played slow and with tab.
Try to challenge yourself, and play with just a couple fingers for a few days. You will be impressed by the results!
More coming very soon!