11 C Minor Blues Licks with Tabs - And How to Play Over a Minor Key 12-Bar Blues
Jamming Back in Black Style - Full Solo
Licks Inspired by Cause We've Ended as Lovers - Full Solo
10 Hendrix Inspired Blues Licks
A Gary Moore Inspired Descending Lick in A Minor
10 John Mayer Licks in G Major
In this lesson, I cover 10 John Mayer licks using the G Major Scale.
The licks are based on the style and main chord progression in John Mayer’s Gravity, from the Continuum album.
The main chord progression in Gravity is a simple G Major to C Major. Each lick is structured around this progression. In each lick, the first bar has notes that fit will over the G, and the second bar always lands on notes that go well over the C chord.
In this lesson, you should take away some great licks in the scale of G Major, and also get some ideas about how to use a scale properly over a basic chord progression.
Thanks for watching!