14 Fast Stevie Ray Vaughan Blues Guitar Licks In the Key of E
17 Cocaine Inspired Licks
Jeff Beck Inspired Whammy Licks!!! (Intermediate)
Jeff Beck Inspired Whammy Style!!! - Full Solo (Advanced)
10 David Gilmour Licks
In this lesson, I show how to play 10 licks inspired by the solo from Pink Floyd’s “Money”, played by David Gilmour. All licks use the B minor pentatonic scale.
These licks are NOT taken directly from the song. These are my own licks, that fit well with the song. The core of the licks is very inspired by Gilmour’s playing. They have a great feel, are very rhythmic, and don’t use a ton of notes.
These licks are fairly easy to play, and will help you develop a great “feel” for licks – especially licks with a triplet feel.
I would suggest that you get some of these licks down, and make some of your own licks. Try playing them over “Money” and see how they sound. Have fun!