Turning Major Into Mixolydian
5 Slash Licks for the November Rain Solo
BB King Style Complete 12 Bar Solo
Jeff Beck Inspired Whammy Style!!! (Intermediate) - Full Solo
10 D Minor Blues Licks – Robben Ford Style
In this lesson, I show 10 licks inspired by Robben Ford’s “Help the Poor”. The licks are made to form a full 16 bar solo. So, I will explain the licks, and also how the licks fit into the chord progression. I will talk about the theory of why certain scales work over different chords.
For the licks, I’m using the D Minor and D Minor Pentatonic scales, with hints of the blues scale and chromatic notes. I also have a lick in here that uses the Altered scale. Since this is a unique scale, I show the entire scale fingering for the lick, and talk briefly about how to use the scale.
Some licks are easy, and there some more advanced licks as well. As always, the tabs for all licks are included in the video.
Thanks for watching!